New Year in Hawaii

Celebrating the New Year in Hawaii There is no better way to say aloha to the future than by celebrating New Year in Hawaii. Visitors from all over the world congregate in Hawaii to kick off a new season with joy, hope and laughter. Whether you plan to watch fireworks or party all night, spending New Year in Hawaii will be memorable. Check out the list below for things you can enjoy on each island. Oahu The Gathering Place of […]
Museums on Oahu

Here’s why you should visit one of the museums on Oahu. Oahu’s museums are dedicated to the history, culture and art of the Hawaiian Islands as well as of Polynesia. Because Oahu is the State’s most visited island, visitors should definitely take advantage of their stay by visiting some or all of them. Bishop Museum Many consider this one of the premier museums in the entire State. Charles Reed Bishop built the museum in memory of his wife, Princess Bernice […]
Hawaii’s Biggest Party, the Aloha Festivals

History of the Festival The Aloha Festivals is a celebration of Hawaiian culture. It is the largest of its kind in Hawaii as well as in the entire United States. It first began in 1946 as a week-long event and organizers originally called it Aloha Week. The festivity was to be celebration of Hawaiian culture, music, dance and history. It was also to be a means to perpetuate them among all local residents. Members of the Junior Chamber of Commerce […]
The Hawaii Book and Music Festival

Where and When In historic downtown Honolulu, there are always a multitude of events, restaurants, markets and activities for visitors to enjoy. But during the final week of April there is a festival featuring song and storytelling. During May, the annual Hawaii Book and Music Festival takes place on Honolulu Hale’s Civic Grounds. Here, you can celebrate Hawaii’s traditions of making music and passing down stories. The festival begins at 10 am on Saturday and Sunday and ends roughly around […]
Reasons Why Hawaii Is the Healthiest State

Ever consider what it would be like to live where other people go on vacation? With its beautiful beaches. verdant landscapes and temperate weather, Hawaii can be a healthy place to live. Here is America’s Health Rankings with reasons why Hawaii is the healthiest state in America. Many in Hawaii Don’t Smoke A study in 2015 showed that only 17% of those living in Hawaii are active smokers. This only marginally lower than the percentage of people who smoke in […]
Visit the Polynesian Cultural Center

Why Visit the Polynesian Cultural Center? Some vacationers traveling to Hawaii often focus on its beaches and breathtaking landscape. But by doing so, they might miss on history and culture of Polynesia. So don’t be one of them. One of Oahu’s most exciting attractions for visitors is the Polynesian Cultural Center. Here, you can learn about Polynesian cultures, watch live shows, learn new skills and taste authentic foods. With suitable entertainment for all ages, you should definitely visit the Polynesian […]
Diversity in Hawaii

The Reason for Diversity in Hawaii The Hawaiian Islands is a unique archipelago of cultural diversity. Being in middle of the Pacific Ocean, it’s no surprise that Hawaii’s population is a blend of many cultures. The United States of America is fondly referred to as a melting pot. But the state of Hawaii best exemplifies this with the widest variety of races and ethnicities. According to the census, of Hawaii’s residents 38.6% were Asian, 24.7% Caucasian, 10% Pacific Islander, 8.9% […]
Easter in Hawaii

Events During Easter in Hawaii Spring is a season of new beginnings, making it the perfect time to plan a vacation to Hawaii. Whether you visit in early March or late May, there are exciting activities and events for families to enjoy. From Easter bunnies to egg hunts, see the below for what you can do during Easter in Hawaii. Spring Events Oahu Events Vacationers on Oahu should visit the Hawaiian Theatre Center for an entertaining night on the town. […]
Heroes of Hawaii

Who Are the Heroes of Hawaii? Hawaii is more than just a picturesque vacation destination. It is also home to many honorable, courageous and talented men and women. Here are some of the greatest heroes of Hawaii. King Kamehameha I This great Hawaiian king was famous his determination and success as a monarch. Kamehameha was aa strong warrior, able to overturn stones weighing thousands of pounds. He was also skilled in lua, the Hawaiian martial arts of hand-to-hand combat. He […]
The Makahiki Festival

Ancient Hawaiians celebrated its new year in honor of the god Lono. Lono was the provider of fertility, rain, agriculture, music and prosperity. Hawaiians called this event the Makahiki festival. History of the Makahiki Festival Astronomical formations largely determined the timing of the Makahiki festival. Examples included the seasonal appearance of star clusters or of the first crescent moon. The Pleiades constellation near the horizon at the end of the day was another sign of the Makahiki season. Originally, the […]
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