Maui Hot Spots
The Best Hidden Maui Hot Spots
The Valley Isle has many hidden treasures. With that in mind, here are the best Maui hot spots that you can see on your next trip there. With the historic town of Lahaina, the Hana Highway and colorful beaches, Maui is an island rich with history and adventure. Interested in uncovering the many Maui hot spots that are off the beaten path? If so, here’s where you can find them.
Pa’ako Cove
Also known as Secret Breach, this secluded place is located on the south side of the island in Makena. Pa’ako Cove is surrounded by striking black lava, aqua waters, reef and tropical fish. A quiet beach, Pa’ako is a private place not only to swim and snorkel, but also to watch the occasional waterman tame the waves.
The Keoneheehee Sliding Sands Trail
No visit to Haleakala National Park would be complete without attempting the Sliding Sands Trail. Here, you can venture on foot or ride on a horseback tour across the crater. There is no better way to enjoy the cinder cones than to hike Keoneheehee Sliding Sands Trail. Be advised, it can be a challenging trail on the return trip. The terrain is slippery and the elevation is high. But the views are well worth the energy you exert on the hike.
The Ohe’o Gulch and Bamboo Forest
This area might be one of the best hidden Maui hot spots. Ohe’o Gulch is one the most picturesque places on the island. Also known as the Seven Sacred Pools, visitors can hike, picnic and swim when the conditions are right. Though the pools are indeed very popular, continue the exploration by hiking down the Pipiwai Trail. Here, you can find an enchanting bamboo forest. Eventually, the bamboo-lined path will lead you to the 400-foot long Waikmoku Falls. Countless water holes and smaller falls along the way surround this area.
The Nakalele Blowhole
This natural wonder on the western side of Maui off Highway 30 has several trails leading to the blowhole. The intriguing site has a geyser like affect when waves pound against a crack in the lava rock shoreline. The blowhole comes to life every time the sea spray shoots up through the rocks. It is almost like it’s showing disapproval of those who dare to hike near to it.
The Ono Organic Farm
Like any Hawaiian farm enthusiast, we advocate trying to see as many of the Maui farms as possible. You will enjoy a wide range of unique products such as pineapples, lavender, honey, wineries and vodka. However, many of the farms could be upstaged by the family-owned Ono Organic Farm (ono meaning delicious). It just could be one of the best kept secrets on the island. Not only does it offer an extensive selection of rare fruits and vegetables, they also give tours and fruit tastings Monday through Friday.
The Makawao Forest and the Kahakapao Trail
We encourage travelers to make the most of this secluded scenic trail by hiking or biking through the Makawao Forest. Here, you can find lush green ferns, redwoods, eucalyptus trees, ginger roots and seasonal raspberries. The loop itself stretches across 5.2 miles of tranquil scenery, making it an idyllic afternoon getaway.
Kaupo General Store
This historic place first opened as a general store in 1925 in the fishing village of Kaupo. The store is on Hawaiian Highway 31 and was once the only place on the map. Kaupo General Store just oozes a nostalgic old Hawaii feel. So don’t forget to buy some snacks and treats when you get here. This rest-stop is a delightful must-see for anyone taking a trip to Hana area of Maui.
Garden of Eden
This Garden of Eden along the Hana Highway is far less popular than it should be. Located at mile marker 10, this stop is garden replete with vividly colored plants, trees, flowers and unique birds. Be sure to add this other-worldly stop to your Hana Highway tour.
Waihe’e Ridge Trail
For those that prefer to hike Maui in solitude, this trail is the perfect solution. Located on the north western side of the island, the Waihe’e Ridge Trail soars above verdant mountain tops and valleys, featuring glimpses of both the coast and inland. On a clear day, you will witness some of the most spectacular panoramic point of views on the island.
So definitely check out these Maui hot spots. While you’re at it, add one of our other activities to your Maui vacation package.
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